

All of Branchburg, NJ

Tax Collector

Tax Collector:  Mindy D'Amico
Phone: 908-526-1300 x121
Deputy Tax Collector:  Kayla Alexander
Phone:  908-526-1300 x123


Tax Department Reminder:
Second Quarter Taxes are due May 1st. There is a ten-day grace periodPayments not received in the Tax Collector's office within the grace period will be charged interest back to the 1st. 

Per N.J.S.A. 54:4-64 Delivery of Tax Bills, taxes and assessments are valid whether or not a bill is received.

Validity of Taxes icon

Friendly Reminders:
Sewer bills are due every year, April 1st and October 1st. There is a ten-day grace period.  Payments not received in the Tax Collector's office within the grace period will be charged interest back to the 1st.

Tax bills are due every year in the following months:  February, May, August, and November. There is a ten-day grace period.  Please check your tax bill to determine if the August due date has been extended.   Payments not received in the Tax Collector's office within the grace period will be charged interest back to the 1st.

The Tax Collector is responsible for the billing, collection and recording of all taxes and sewer fees levied upon the properties in the Township.  They are appointed to a four-year term and may achieve tenure after serving five consecutive years. Additionally, they are required to be licensed by the State of New Jersey as a Certified Tax Collector in order to hold the position.

The Township is compliant with P.L. 2021, c. 317 which established various relief measures for residential customers of local government sewer service affected by Pandemic-Related Sewer Arrearages.

Property Tax Relief Programs:
For more information about the Property Tax Relief programs available through the state of New Jersey,  click here.

-- Please be advised that the State of New Jersey does not allow the Tax Collector to acknowledge postmarked dates. 
-- A payment can not be applied towards an account until it is in the physical possession of the Township, regardless of postmarked date. If mailing your payment, allow sufficient time for the mail to arrive prior to end of grace period to avoid interest charges.